There are various transport options to and from Sønderborg Airport.
There are usually taxis waiting in front of the terminal building. If this is not the case, you can order a car from Sønderborg Taxa using the telephone in the windbreak at the airport entrance. It is free to call. The telephone number is +45 74 42 18 18
You can also order your taxi online here.
The price from the airport to Sønderborg town is approx. DKK 150 or 20 Euros.
Online booking and payment – to and from airports throughout Denmark. To order click here.
If you are travelling from Germany to Sønderborg Airport, you can book Airportservice Ontour.
You can call them on +49 (0) 48 41/871 871 or read more here.
GF TAXI offers a limousine service to and from the airport.
You can call them on +45 74 45 95 45 or read more here.